Feb 16, 2025 10:00 PM - Feb 17, 2025 02:30 AM
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ALL 4 THE GOLD is a jam dedicated to 90's & Golden Era Hip-Hop, which will feature an elite DJ lineup playing Hip-Hop classics and some breaks that were sampled to make those classics. DJ EVIL DEE, a distinguished Hip-Hop producer, DJ, and founding member of the legendary rap group Black Moon will be joining us from NYC to play a special set. Toronto's own DJ GROUCH, who has a strong track record for representing Hip-Hop through radio, clubs, mixtapes, DJ battles, and more, as well as fellow turntablist and Hip-Hop specialist DJ TAKTIKS, will round out the DJ lineup. Hip-Hop aficionado ARCEE, who has represented Toronto as an emcee, radio personality, and more, will hold down the hosting duties.