Jul 01, 2023 03:00 PM - Jul 01, 2023 07:00 PM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
🚨 ALERT: 90% SOLD OUT! 🚨
We're already at 90% capacity! If you plan on joining us, make sure to grab your tickets before we completely sell out. Don't wait until it's too late!
Canada Day is the perfect time to celebrate and enjoy the summer vibes. And what better way to do that than on a boat?
Take to the high seas and let loose on the deck of our boat party. With premium drinks, live music, and DJs, great views, and spectacular summer vibes, this is the perfect way to spend your Canada Day, which falls on a Saturday!
Experience the beauty of Vancouver from the water as we set sail and take in the stunning views of the city while dancing to the beat of the music. Cruise through False Creek, English Bay, and the inner harbor.
Join us on this exciting event with two dance floors. On the upper deck we will have fusion of music genres, including Hip Hop, Top 40, Reggaetón, Salsa, and on the lower deck we got Brazilian beats.
Bring a friend, a loved one, or the family for an unforgettable outing. This year, our dress code theme is summer wear. Dress up and impress us!
Great for birthday celebrations, bachelorette/bachelor parties, anniversaries, graduations, and more.
Come party with us on the Burrard Queen, a two-level vessel with an indoor deck and an outdoor open-air deck, creating the perfect floating nightclub. This will be the experience of a lifetime; an experience you'll never forget.
This is a fantastic way to get together with friends and family and enjoy the outdoors while celebrating the Canada Day in style. So what are you waiting for? Reserve your tickets today and get ready to rock the boat! Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience. Get your tickets now!
Music By:
Burrard Queen | 760 Pacific Blvd, Vancouver, BC, V6B 5E7
The ticket starts at $25. Book your tickets today and take advantage of our super early bird ticket pricing. Keep in mind, that early bird tickets are in limited quantity & ticket prices will go up immediately after the early bird tickets are sold out. Prices often go up significantly (100% +)
# FloatingNightClub