Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 30.00 - 55.00 Buy Tickets
Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 34.00 - 55.00 Buy Tickets
Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 34.00 - 55.00 Buy Tickets
Oct 29, 2021 08:00 PM - Oct 30, 2021 12:00 AM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
COVID Protocol
- By purchasing these tickets you agree to follow all covid 19 safety protocols provided by the venue
- There will be no dance floors and all attendees must be seated
-Masks are mandatory inside when not seated at a table.
- The event is a fully vaccinated event. Proof of vaccination will be required upon entry and failure to do so will result in ineligible to board the boat. No refund will be given.
- All passengers are required to be fully vaccinated to attend this event and proof of vaccination is needed at boarding time. Note that the 2nd Covid-19 vaccine dose should be taken a minimum of 7 days prior to the event date. If you are from a different province, proof of both vaccines from your province and government IDs are needed.
- If the restriction eases and the venue protocol changes, we will communicate to you through email immediately.
- For more info of provincial restrictions and Covid 19 Protocol please visit
Vancouver Boat Parties & Oceanic Entertainment Presents
Freaky Friday Halloween Boat Party Vancouver 2021
Got no plans for Halloween? We know you have been to clubs, bars, pubs and etc. Why not try something new this year! Party on a boat and see your city like never before.
The Burrard Queen, a two-level vessel with an indoor deck and an outdoor open-air deck make it a perfect floating venue that provides amazing views.
We got the hottest DJs playing Top 40, Throwback, Hip Hop, Club Hits and Open Format to play all the hits!
Location and Timing
Burrard Queen: 760 Pacific Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, V6B 5E7 (Dock A)
Boarding: 8:00 PMDeparture: 8.30PM (with or without you), Re-Dock at: 11.30PM End 12.00AM
#vancouver_halloween #things_to_do_vancouver_halloween #halloween_boat_party #vancouver_halloween_boat_party #Halloween_boat_festival