Toronto Pavilion,190,Railside Road,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 45.00 - 70.00 Buy Tickets
Toronto Pavilion,190,Railside Road,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 45.00 - 75.00 Buy Tickets
Oct 27, 2017 10:00 PM - Oct 28, 2017 03:00 AM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Looking for something sweet, warm and easy to do? Well not this Friday But The Nodder One? We are doing a pop up Bruk Pocket Pawty for only $5 dollars.
Friday October 27th 2017
The Vue
195 Galaxy blvd
Doors open10:00PM
DJ's DOC, Night Rider & Kid Finesse
MC Mista Presto & Jay Martin
Food will be on sale all night by Bliss Tropical