Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 34.00 - 75.00 Buy Tickets
Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 30.00 - 55.00 Buy Tickets
Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 25.00 - 50.00 Buy Tickets
Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 32.50 - 55.00 Buy Tickets
Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 30.00 - 55.00 Buy Tickets
Sep 03, 2022 08:00 PM - Sep 04, 2022 12:00 AM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : Refund available until 2 day before the event
Vancouver Boat Parties Presents Labour Day Weekend Brazilian Vancouver Boat Party 2022!
Join us on Sept. 3rd to celebrate Labour Day weekend! Escape to the biggest and best party on the water this Labour Day Saturday! This is the biggest yacht party on the lake as we cruise through False Creek, English Bay and the inner harbour.
This is the most unique party during this holiday weekend as we are throwing in two live DJs for you all night long!
This isn’t like any other cruise or event. Join us on the ultimate party cruise. The Burrard Queen, a two-level vessel with an indoor deck and an outdoor open-air viewing deck make it one of Vancouver’s most popular booze cruises. Come aboard our boat tour and we'll show you the time of your life!
Great for Birthday Celebrations / bachelorette / bachelor / anniversary / graduations & more. For any special celebration - just message us in advance!
Important timing info:
Boarding starts at: 8:00PM | Boat Leaves at: 8:30PM (with or without you) | Re-docks at: 11:30PM | End at 12.00AM
Must be 19+
Dress code: Rep your country colour! Summer Vibes
Light food such as pizza and wings available for sale
This will surely be one of the best summer experiences. Grab your tickets now as the Labour Day weekend boat cruises are very popular and the number of seats is limited – the tickets sell out very quickly! For more info and tickets call us at 888 450 3991.
Ticket Starts at $25. Book your tickets today and take advantage of our super early bird ticket pricing. Keep in mind, that early bird tickets are limited in quantity & ticket prices will go up immediately after the early bird tickets are sold out. All tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERRABLE. This is a 19+ event, Government ID required. Price increase warning: Prices often go up significantly (100% +). By purchasing this ticket, you agree to not hold Oceanic Entertainment Inc. and all parties associated herewith liable for any and all claims, loss or damage to any personal belongings or injuries.