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Legends Are Born In November

Legends Are Born In November

Legends Are Born In November Nov 18, 2017 10:00 PM - Nov 19, 2017 03:00 AM


Legends Are Born In November By

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Legends Are Born In November

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Legends Are Born In November Description


A Gathering of Toronto’s Social Elite Inside

Canada’s Most Prestigious Event Venue

38 Floors Above the City

Toula on the Westin for

Legends Were Born in November

Celebrating all November babies

Andy Coward, Mesfun Haile………… and more

Westin Harbour Castle Hotel

One Harbour Square, Downtown Toronto 

Toula on the Westin

DRESS CODE: Fashionable - Semi Formal 

Music By:

DJ FynnTastic from VIBE105.5FM

The Professional’s Choice DJ Glen C

Musical Host: MC GQ

With Canada’s Premier Party Hosts

Andy Coward, Mesfun Y Haile, George Fynn, Eddie Williams

Call or text for Advance tickets and group orders or birthdays

George Fynn 416 816 0036 | Eddie Williams 416 781 1695 Ext 3 | Mesfun Y Haile 647 718 6269