Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 30.00 - 55.00 Buy Tickets
Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 34.00 - 55.00 Buy Tickets
Burrard Queen,760,Pacific Boulevard,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
$ 34.00 - 55.00 Buy Tickets
Oct 30, 2021 08:00 PM - Oct 31, 2021 12:00 AM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
Vancouver Boat Parties & Oceanic Entertainment Presents Lost In Sea Halloween Boat Party Vancouver 2021
Get ready for this special Halloween experience this year. Wear your costume and be prepared to vanish into this mysterious night. We're calling all goblins, ghosts and creatures of the night. It might be scary but it's sure to be FUN on Halloween Night. Dance to live Dj as we cruise at the spookiest hour as you revel in the lit-up skyline.
The Burrard Queen, a two-level vessel with an indoor deck and an outdoor open-air deck make it a perfect floating nightclub that provides amazing views and a partying experience like never before! We got the hottest DJ’s playing Top 40, Throwback, Hip Hop, Club Hits and Open Format to play all the hits!
Location and Timing
Burrard Queen: 760 Pacific Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, V6B 5E7 (Dock A)
Boarding: 8:00 PM
Departure: 8:30PM (with or without you),
Re-Dock at: 11.30PM
End 12.00AM
COVID Protocol
Book your tickets today and take advantage of our super early bird ticket pricing. Keep in mind, early bird tickets are limited in quantity & ticket prices will go up immediately after the early bird tickets are sold out. All tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERRABLE. This is a 19+ event, Government ID required. Price increase warning: Prices often go up significantly (100% +).
By purchasing this ticket, you agree to not hold Oceanic Entertainment Inc. and all parties associated herewith liable for any and all claims, loss or damage to any personal belongings or injuries. It is hereby understood that the purchase of tickets by you and your participation in the events shall not be construed as an assumption on the part of Promoter of responsibility, liability, or control of the events
What is the minimum age requirements to enter the event? You must be 19+ and bring in a valid government ID to enter the boat.
What is the dock location? 760 Pacific Blvd, Vancouver, BC V6B 5E7 (Dock A)
Is there parking? There is paid parking and the closet parking lot would be Plaza of Nations Parking - Lot #1188
Is dress code mandatory? Costumes are not required but are strongly encouraged. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone or confiscate any props to a costume that may deem inappropriate or dangerous.
Is there food for sale? Yes.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions? You can call us at 888-450-3991 or you can email us at info.vancouver@oceanicentertainment.com. Visit https://www.vancouverboatparties.com for general info.
What is the refund policy? All sales are final and non-transferable.
Is the boat heated? The boat is heated with an outside viewing deck during winter.
Is there group discounts? Yes, we provide discounts for groups over 10. For more info call us at 888-450-3991.
What is the covid protocol? By purchasing these tickets you agree to follow all covid 19 safety protocols provided by the venue . The event is a fully vaccinated event. Proof of vaccination will be required upon entry and failure to do so will result in ineligible to board the boat. No refund will be given. if the restriction eases and the venue protocol changes, we will communicate to you through email immediately.