Feb 16, 2025 10:00 PM - Feb 17, 2025 02:00 AM
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You know that feeling when Brown Sugar hits and you realized R&B is more than just music—it’s a lifestyle, a vibe, a culture? Well, we’re bringing that energy straight to you. "No Ordinary Love" isn’t just another party, it’s a celebration of everything that makes R&B timeless. Think of those unforgettable moments in Dreamgirls, Love & Basketball, and Brown Sugar—when the music set the mood, the family came together, and the love was real. Together, these moments capture what R&B is all about: nostalgia, intimacy, and celebration. That’s the vibe we’re bringing to the dance floor Sunday February 16th !
Smooth Vibe Collective x Bachelors Entertainment Present
Your Ultimate R&B Escape
Family Day Long Weekend
Music By:
Charlie B
Dj Joze
DJ Shoray
Lost Love Social House
153 Carling St. - London, ON
10PM - 2AM