176 Cherry Street,176,Cherry Street,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 100.00 Buy Tickets
Feb 10, 2018 04:00 PM - Feb 10, 2018 06:00 PM
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The production musically celebrates the relationship between an immigrant father and his young son. Speaking to the timeline of sacrifice to triumph, and of one generation passing its best on to the next, the narrative and the specific musical pieces of Dueling Pianos are deliberately selected to demonstrate the pain and joy – the ‘Giant Steps’ (John Coltrane) that are necessary in reaching for and attaining excellence. As father and son ‘duel’ they masterfully incorporate renditions of musical classics from Jazz, Classical, Calypso, Reggae, Pop and contemporary music into their story, showing how the father prepared his son to understand and embrace his historical roots, the roots of music and the world’s great musicians.
The 2018 production of Father and Son, Dueling Pianos continues the story of the evolution of the extraordinarily talented son into a celebrated musician / performer.
Eddie and Quincy Bullen dedicate two shows from their 2018 Black History Month tour to raise funds to help secure this essential Chair at York University.