Mirage Banquet Hall,1917 Albion Rd,Etobicoke,Ontario,Canada
$ 60.00 Buy Tickets
Mar 30, 2018 07:00 PM - Mar 31, 2018 02:00 AM
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Unforgettable Mega Concert
Ravi B & Karma
Nishard M
Nailah Blackman
Easter Friday March 30th 2018
Stage front association with Go events Presents
Ravi B & Karma
Nishard M
Nailah Blackman
Music by the best deejays north and south of the equator giving you the best music such as
Soca | Reggae | Chutney | Top 40 | RnB | Old School | Mash Ups | and much more:
Info and tickets Lines: 647 998 2648, 416-873-8695-
Taking place inside the luxurious:
Mirage Convention Center
1917 Albion Road, Toronto Ontario.
Event info:
- Strict Security / Police Patrolled
- 19+ event. ID a must. R.O.A.R.
Food and drinks available onsite
Advance Tickets $35
Tickets online at ticketgateway.com and tickets are available at most Caribbean stores.