Feb 23, 2025 04:00 PM - Feb 23, 2025 09:00 PM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
Last year was an incredible day of community so if you missed out or want to join us again, get your tickets before the final deadline (Feb 18) to enjoy community exclusive discounts & activities!
Please bring a date, your kids, friends, any seniors who would enjoy a day out and of course yourselves!
Community Day @ The Lion King | April 2025
Ticket prices do not include the mandatory taxes and website service fees.
Kids under 2 | FREE
Child 3-5: $10 | Reg price: $12.50
Youth 6-13: $10 | Reg price: $29
Students w ID: $15 Tier 1 | $20 Tier 2 | Reg price: $44
Adults: $25 Tier 1 | $30 Tier 2 | Reg price: $44
Seniors 65+: $15 Tier 1 | $20 Tier 2 | Reg price: $29
Tier 2 pricing kicks in on Feb 3, the earlier you secure your tickets, the less they'll cost!
Tickets must be purchased BEFORE Feb 19 for discounts or community exclusives.
Make sure you follow us for more Community Days, events, news & discounts!
Newsletter | @BlackTO.ca on Instagram | @BlackToronto on Facebook (group forum, community guides, chat rooms)