Dec 31, 2017 06:30 PM - Dec 31, 2017 01:00 AM
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After 5 consecutive years of Sold Out, Bollywood Tunes Entertainment is bringing another spectacular "Bollywood Hungama NYE 2018" Party for you. Featuring the versatile singer Sunil (Winner of K 4 Kishore North America), Sumona (Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Fame) and a talented team of Musicians from GTA. Mouth watering Appetizers, Lavish Buffet Dinner, LIVE BAND, Explosive D,J, Sizzling Samba Dancers, Cash Bar and much much more. Book your tickets ASAP before it gets all SOLD OUT.
Tickets: ADULTS $50 Table of 10 $450 V.I.P $60 Kids(3 -12 yrs) : $40
For Tickets: Call : (647) 287-7864