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Calypso Rose in Concert

Calypso Rose in Concert

Calypso Rose in Concert Feb 08, 2018 08:30 PM - Feb 09, 2018 01:30 AM


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Calypso Rose in Concert

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Calypso Rose in Concert Description

The unfadable ROSE

Having done 78 concerts in Europe plus another 20 shows in the United States, Canada and other territories during 2017 and start of 2018, the iconic Calypso Rose has no intentions to slow down this year. She is already booked for shows throughout Europe from the coming Spring, says her manager, Jean Michel Gibert.

“Those 78 shows in Europe were not even Caribbean music festivals or merely appearances on shows. These were actually Calypso Rose in concert events at some of the major concert halls throughout Europe including Marocco and Tunisia . Then there were her concerts inCANADA and places such as Martinique and Guadeloupe. Rose continues to be loved and in demanded by people around the world and she continues to deliver exciting, high energy shows,” Gibert said.

As you are reading this, Rose is in transit to New York where she will spend a few days resting before heading to Trinidad to make preparations for her concert titled, “I Thank Thee” at the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA), Port of Spain on Carnival Thursday (February 8). With the exception of one single appearance after  Carnival at a show on February 17 , this will be the only opportunity to see Rose perform during this Carnival.

“Many promoters approached us to have Rose perform in their events, but we declined because she wants to focus on her concert. The concert is titled, “I Thank Thee” because Rose wants it to be one of the ways through which she gives back to Trinidad and Tobago for everything given her by the people. This show means a lot to her because though she has had a whirlwind year performing across the world, to present a major concert for her people at home has been her desire through the past several months,” Gibert said.

Gibert said Rose will be accompanied by a full band including a couple French musicians she’s been working with on her tours. Two French film crews will also be in Trinidad to document Rose’s performances here as well as events and activities of the Carnival. Rose is also presently working on a song with Nailah Blackman to be released in the coming days.

“These two French film crews are coming down to capture Rose’s performances and whatever she will be doing while here. They will also film various aspects of Carnival to produce shows that will showcase Trinidad and Tobago to the French people who because of their love for Rose are now very interested in Trinidad and Tobago’s Carnival and the life here.”

“Rose is doing a song with Nailah Blackman who has really impressed her. Just a couple weeks ago we released a remix of, “I Am An African” with Bunji Garlin and featuring the DJ, Jillionaire from Major Lazer. Rose enjoys the music of the young artistes coming up and will be seeking to work with some of them in the near future,” Gibert said.

Also performing at “I Thank Thee” will be Machel Montano, SuperBlue and Blackman. There will also be a few surprises.

For more information contact 685 5239 ( LADY)  Facebook / I Thank Thee ; IThankthee2018@gmail.com