Event Ended

Carnival Ball

Carnival Ball

Carnival Ball Jul 22, 2016 05:30 PM - Jul 23, 2016 01:00 AM


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Carnival Ball

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Carnival Ball Description

The Toronto Caribbean Carnival Ball - An evening to discover


An elegant evening at the Liberty Grand gives the Festival Management Committee the opportunity to engage the community of supporters including sponsors, donors, and partners.  This event presents the cultural outputs of the festival – masquerade, calypso (soca), and steelpan - to this unique audience and also gives the Festival Management Committee the opportunity to recognize the historical impact of people who have contributed and volunteered countless hours to this festival over the years. Start the evening at 5:30 pm with Cocktails and Fundraising, followed by dinner at 7:00 pm. End the night with a runway show of costumes and an after party from 10:00 pm to midnight.