, Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 45.00 - 289.99 Buy Tickets
Mystic Caribbean Restaurant & Lounge,50,Kennedy Road South,Brampton,Ontario,Canada
$ 45.00 Buy Tickets
REBEL,11 Polson Street,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 55.00 - 125.00 Buy Tickets
Cabana Pool Bar,11 Polson Street,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
-- Buy Tickets
, Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 75.00 - 289.99 Buy Tickets
, Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 85.00 - 289.99 Buy Tickets
, Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 45.00 - 289.99 Buy Tickets
, Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 55.00 - 290.02 Buy Tickets
Jul 31, 2021 03:00 PM - Jul 31, 2021 11:00 PM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
Important Updates:
1) $40.00 General Admission Tickets are SOLD OUT - Tickets are now $50.00 with Limited left!
2) There is only 150 General Admission tickets left. There will be no more general admission tickets after this is sold.
3) VIP Platforms are 85% sold out. Diamond Platforms are now sold out. Only Platinum and Slive remain and are limited.
SOS Fest INC Presents....
Carnival Saturday July 31st
Carnival Kingdom 21
Live Music By:
Toronto’s Finest Deejay’s playing the best is Soca All Day and Night!
Marxman + Fyah Blaziin + Junya Menace + Whitebwoy + Jeff Jam + Tricky
Infamous Sound Crew + Dj Slim + Jay Rev +Brandon Duke the DJ + DJ Shiva + Sarjeant
Hosted By: Winedown & SKF
Carnival Kingdom has built a reputation to have the best of the best musicians on stage during the Carnival Weekend.
With limitations at the Canadian border and pandemic restrictions still enforced, artists are unable to attend SOS Fest’s Carnival Kingdom this Carnival season.
Our global performers will be missed as federal travel guidelines must be followed and are beyond our control.
Nonetheless, WE BACK OUTSIDE and Carnival Kingdom will have Toronto’s top entertainers playing the finest music with amazing production, decor, fireworks, bottle service and more!
This is a celebration of culture, union, perseverance and life. We’ve all been affected by the pandemic, but it’s finally time to step outside, round up your crew, and let loose in the kingdom.
Our artists will bless the SOS stage very soon, but until then let’s keep the energy high for Saturday, July 31 as we gear up for the one and only CARNIVAL KINGDOM.
Event Safety Measures:
There will be sanitizing stations located throughout the venue
Available Ticket Types:
General Admission Tickets | $40.00 | $50.00 | $60.00
Please note that general admission does not have access to the VIP Platform area.
Elevated VIP Platforms: All Access | 1 Platform purchase includes 8 tickets
This is an elevated platform for you and your group can party in your own bubble.
Diamond Platform | Platinum Platform | Sliver Platform
* Note that when you purchase a VIP Platform, the purchaser will get 1 ticket for the desired platform purchase. We will email the remaining 7 tickets to the purchaser by Friday July 30th or earlier, so everyone will have there own ticket and do not have to be together to show up.
* Your Platform number will be indicated on the ticket and email! Please ensure you go to the correct platform as guided by the ushers.
Do not occupy other people platforms – everyone paid for there section, so please respect their platform just as you would go to your correct ‘seats’ at a sporting event.
* Please refer to the map located in the additional images to understand the layout.
* VIP Platform ticket holders, have all access, which means you can enter the general admission area.
Bar and Bottle Service:
There will be multiple bars located throughout the venue.
Bottle service is available, so please locate the hostess or go to the bar!
Menu available in the image section above!
Safety Measures:
1) Please leaving your circle or platform, please have your mask on.
2) When going to the bar, washroom or anywhere in general that is public and no longer in your circle, please have your mask on.
3) Sanitizing stations will be located through the venue
4) Please practice safety measure at all time and respect people space.
Event Time is 3:00PM to 11:00PM
Rain or Shine Event | Food Trucks will be on site | This is a 19+ Event
www.SOSfestINC.com | @SOSfestTO | #SOSfestTO
See you Saturday – WE BACK OUTSIDE!
The SOS Fest Team