Nov 30, 2024 07:00 PM - Dec 01, 2024 12:00 AM
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* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
🎉 Exciting news! We’re creating a monthly series with DigiMillennials Presents AfroNightsInKW , and we’re bringing back a fan favorite to kick it off—AfroKaraoke + Open Mic Night! 🎤🌍
Our debut AfroKaraoke event quickly became a crowd favorite, and now it’s back by popular demand! Join us every month for a night filled with Afro-centric vibes, live music, games, and open mic moments where you can share your own talents on stage. Let’s keep the energy high and the community connected as we celebrate African and diaspora culture together. ✨💛
🎟️ Tickets: Early Bird - $15 | Regular $20 | At Door $30