Aug 02, 2016 03:30 AM - Mar 04, 2017 08:30 AM
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Enless VIP Package - $500TTD
Cost for one Enless Access Band to gain access to the following :
1. ENLESS Mobile Lounge (40ft VIP trailer with lower level lounge with bar/seating/bathroom and upper level is open air with fantastic vantage point)
2. ENLESS VIP Lunch Area - Cool Area with Dining Ability for all section masqueraders along with Massage Area and Make Up Touch up Corner
3. ENLESS Champagne Goblet
4. ENLESS Touch Screen Watch - color co ordinated to match costume
5. Champagne on Tuesday Afternoon
6. ENLESS Tote Bag/Goody Bag (Separate from Fantasy)
7. ENLESS Slippers
8. Gifts/Snacks from Sponsors