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Fete Gala

Fete Gala

Fete Gala Feb 08, 2025 05:30 PM - Feb 09, 2025 01:00 AM


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Fete Gala

No tickets available for purchase now.

Subscribe Notification

* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.

Refund Policy : No refund at anytime

Fete Gala Description

FETE GALA 2025 is here!

This is a fundraiser for the Indo-Caribbean Canadian Association featuring the legendary Terry Gajraj and Natasha Sundar, granddaughter of Chutney Icon, The Great Sundar Popo!

Dinner| Dance | Music | Culture | Community

Join our team for an evening celebrating the Indo-Caribbean community, dinner and dance with live performers, including the legendary Terry Gajraj and Natasha Sundar.

LIMITED EARLY BIRD ~ $70 per ticket or $650 for a table of 10

REGULAR PRICE ~ $75 per ticket or $700 for a table of 10

WEEK OF PRICE ~ $85 per ticket or $800 for a table of 10

DAY OF PRICE~ $95 per ticket (if available)

Ticket will include:

  • Reserved seat
  • Complete multicultural dinner including appetizers, pop
  • Entertainment by local talent, Terry G & Natasha Sundar
  • Live DJ and open dance floor
  • Door and Raffle prizes

Cash Bar with a variety selection of drinks

Dress Code: formal attire

Theme: FEEL THE LOVE (award for best costume/clothing)


There is an additional service fee charged by TicketGateway per ticket. To avoid these fees, you do have the option to pay by an Interac Email Money Transfer (EMT) directly from your online banking account for the whole amount. Email Transfer can be sent to finance@indocaribcdn.com. Please include your First and Last Name, Event Name, Number of Tickets needed, Phone Number, and Email Address in the "NOTES" section of the E-Mail Transfer so that a confirmation email can be sent.

$95 at the door, if available.

NO REFUNDS. All proceeds will go to support community engagement and advocacy of the Indo-Caribbean Canadian Association.

For more information about the Indo-Caribbean Canadian Association please visit www.indocaribcdn.com.

