Oct 14, 2019 05:00 PM - Oct 14, 2019 11:30 PM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
The Best Monday Ever on the Beach
Kevin Crown (out of New York)
Patrick the Hype Man (out of Trinidad)
Jester (out of Canada)
Miami Dreamteam
DJ Don Hot (Miami)
Yung Rage (New York)
Hosted by Supa B and Vibesman Redman (from the vibes unit)
We've got 2000 Gallons of Foam.
2 foam Cannons
2 foam Machines
1 water Truck
Dry Zone
Wet Zone
VIP Elevated Dry Zone (Excitement)
Ticket outlets:
S&D BarberShop (Pembroke Pines) 786.486.0836
Sybils 754.223.4384
JOY'S ROTI SHOP 954.587.7684
ALI'S ROTI SHOP 954.533.6017
SINGH'S ROTI SHOP 954.735.4686
Super Duper Liquor 954.777.3066
Next Level Studios 954.278.9757
Vision Clips 954.978.0601
Ultra VIP table reservations are available.
INSTAGRAM: @Whyiparty @ItchiBabaMiami @RichieBliss1 @Youngstar_86