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Henny Up

Organizer Events

Henny Up

Henny Up Apr 21, 2017 10:00 PM - Apr 22, 2017 03:00 AM


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Henny Up

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Henny Up Description

This is Henny up... the official birthday celebration of dj trizzy....it's all going down Friday April 21st inside twilight. 
You will be musical entertained by 
Dj buzz b
Genesys sound 
Dj Doobz
Tony styles
Dj flip 
Loudmout chiney
Dj Rambo
Dj Snuggz
Ridddim Bai 
And of course Royal beats sounds
This is a upscale event so ladies come dress to impress, fellas put on something fresh. This night is gonna be one for the books.