Apr 28, 2018 08:00 PM - Apr 28, 2018 11:00 PM
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What's better than the stars... an Intimate night with the Stars
Toronto Get ready for your next Intimate experience
Up close and personal with the sweet Soulful sounds of Reggae Star Christopher Martin inside the fantastic Queen Elizabeth Theatre
Oh Yes...it's Christopher Martin Live AND INTIMATE in full concert with his FULL band
Get ready for a night of Intimacy ....and of course some comedy with Jay Martin and friends Saturday April 28th
It's a night of Reggae Music, Laughter and Love with another Prince of Lover's Rock... CHRISTOPHER MARTIN
Get tickets now at TicketGateway.com or DBandit.com for more outlets and information or call 416-930-9650
It's Chris Martin like you've never seen or heard him before - LIVE and Intimate at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre Saturday April 28th inside the Queen Elizabeth Theatre,
For more info call 416-930-9650 or log on to dbandit.com
Intimate with CHRIS MARTIN LIVE Saturday April 28th Don't Miss Soulful Reggae Experience