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Junior King and Queen

Junior King and Queen

Junior King and Queen Jul 14, 2024 02:00 PM - Jul 14, 2024 07:00 PM


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Junior King and Queen

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Junior King and Queen Description

At the Junior King and Queen Showcase of Toronto Caribbean Carnival, young masqueraders compete in stunning costumes for the titles of Junior King and Queen, celebrating vibrant Caribbean traditions.#JuniorKingQueen #TorontoCarnival


The Junior King and Queen Showcase at the Toronto Caribbean Carnival is a charming event where young participants from various mas bands display their creativity and spirit. These young masqueraders, adorned in beautifully elaborate costumes, compete for the titles of Junior King and Queen. This showcase is not just a competition but also a celebration of the vibrant Caribbean cultural heritage, passed down to the younger generation. It's an enchanting display of artistry, color, and youthful energy, mirroring the larger King and Queen Showcase.