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King and queen of the night

Organizer Events

King and queen of the night

King and queen of the night Mar 18, 2023 10:00 PM - Mar 19, 2023 03:00 AM


King and queen of the night By

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King and queen of the night

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Refund Policy : Refund available until 2 day before the event

King and queen of the night Description

Solidlink  promotions presents 5th annual 


King & Queen of the night 


Location:  Taste of life , 9 MILVAN DR, Toronto,
M9L 1Y9



Musically  entertained by 

●Tripl3 threat

●Greenz connection 

●Dj crimist 

●Dj screw international 

●Selecta vybzkid


For more info contact  647-525-5226  +647-618-8503  + 1 647-915-6089