Little Souls - Yoga Classes and Mindfulness for kids

Little Souls - Yoga Classes and Mindfulness for kids Aug 16, 2023 09:00 AM - Nov 25, 2032 03:30 PM

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Timezone (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), New York, Bogota, Lima

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Little Souls - Yoga Classes and Mindfulness for kids Description

Welcome to Little Souls, Where the world of mindfulness and yoga comes alive for children and the guiding hands of their parents. Our purpose is to introduce the profound concepts of mindfulness and yoga to the young generation, setting the stage for a lifetime of holistic well-being. Experience the undeniable effectiveness of WHAT WE TEACH WORKS! Our meticulously crafted online yoga classes for children provide a haven for them to embark on a journey of physical and emotional growth. Led by seasoned instructors, our classes seamlessly blend the art of yoga with mindfulness techniques, nurturing not only physical flexibility but also mental resilience.

We deeply understand the pivotal role parents play in shaping their children's lives. Our yoga classes program extend a heartfelt invitation to parents, recognizing their instrumental role in this endeavor. After all, parents are the cornerstone of their children's development. United in purpose, we delve into the realms of mindfulness and yoga, creating stronger bonds and healthier lifestyles as a family unit. Elevate your child's wellness odyssey with our thoughtfully curated Online Yoga Classes. Little Souls stands as your dedicated partner in fostering confident, mindful, and balanced children. Immerse yourselves in a realm of tranquility and exploration, where each stretch and breath guides us toward a harmonious existence.