Jan 31, 2017 05:00 PM - Feb 01, 2017 12:00 AM
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Join us as we travel to Trinidad & Tobago to experience their exhilarating Carnival!
Panorama, an annual steelband music competition held during Carnival, will be our first port of call as we tour 7 Pan Yards for the Northern Region National Panorama Large Bands Preliminaries on Tuesday 31st January 2017!
We congregate at MovieTowne, Port of Spain at 5pm where we board Maxi Taxi Shuttles to take us on this musical & culinary journey!
Your fare of US$30|TT$200 covers the cost of transportation and yummy treats such as Curried Lobster, Piri-Piri Chicken and Vegetable Lasagne!
You may bring your beverages on-board or patronize the bars at the Pan Yards!
#PanYardCrawl #TravelFoodie #TMELifestyle