REBEL,11 Polson Street,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 40.00 - 50.00 Buy Tickets
Jan 14, 2017 10:00 PM - Jan 15, 2017 03:00 AM
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Saturday, January 14th, 2017SOCA LAUNCH 2K17at PHOENIX CONCERT THEATRE410 Sherbourne Street, Downtown TorontoGet ready to launch all the new Soca for Trinidad Carnival!Featuring live from Trinidad & Tobago, ARTISTE TEAM (96.1 WEFM)Alongside Toronto's best:DR. JAY DE SOCA PRINCE (DCAL, Soca Or Die)JUNYA MENACE (WUK U)FLEXX GOT NEXT (H.O.M. Ent)DJ TONY STYLEZ (Pure Bacchanal)Hosted By:EMAN (Your Girl's Voice of Choice)DIRTY DEZ (It's not a name, it's a lifestyle)Advance Tickets $15Door Price will be $20 before 11:30pmThere will be a $10 BOXING DAY SPECIAL exclusively on Ticketgateway.com19+ // ID Required // Dress To Fete // Coat Check Available