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Soundclash Battle Royale

Soundclash Battle Royale

Soundclash Battle Royale Jul 01, 2023 08:00 PM - Jul 02, 2023 01:00 AM


Soundclash Battle Royale By

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Soundclash Battle Royale

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Soundclash Battle Royale Description

β˜„οΈThis is going to be A crazy Night 🧨 πŸ”₯ #BattleRoyale #Soundclash #Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ† SOUND CLASH BATTLE ROYALE πŸ”₯ Canada Day Saturday July 1st 2023 πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ 🍁 North York Ontario (Central Location)

πŸ“£ Come out and Witness 12 of Canada's Fearless Soundsystems Compete In A One-Night Only Soundclash Tournament for the Championship Belt + Cash Prize + A Confirmed Clash in New York City. πŸ’° πŸ† ✈️
What is a Sound Clash Battle Royale?
A sound clash is a musical competition where crew members from opposing sound systems pit their skills against each other using primarily popular reggae and dancehall songs that have been specially customized for the sound crew. In Jamaica, sound clashes date back at least to the 1950s, when sound systems clashed in the old Back-O-Wall (now Tivoli Gardens) neighborhood of Kingston. The object is to beat or "kill" their competitors.
A Battle Royale style competition arises when there are more than two combatants & especially in situations which the last fighter standing is declared the winner.
Meet Canada's Fearless Warriors
🎧 Jani Sound @janisound
🎧 King Aggression @king_aggression
🎧 Bellyful Sound @bellyfullsoundsystem
🎧 Exile 1 Sound @exile1sound
🎧 Energy Squad @energysquadintl
🎧 DunDaPlace @dundaplaceinternational
🎧 Moonlight @pepy_moonlite_sounds
🎧 Cartella Sound @cartellanuclear
🎧 Music Master @musicmasterint
🎧 King Supreme @kingsupremehq
🎧 Hollow Point @Selector_deano
🎧 SuperTone @supertonesound_
Early Jugglin by: Killa Asassin
Hosted by: Polly Famous (King Klepto)
Timekeeper: JahWIGs (Black Magic)
Get Brand Recognition & Link up ASAP for promotional and sponsorship opportunities. Stay posted for the official Vendors call out ✍🏾
πŸ“² For sponsorship and promotional opportunities contact 647.831.9447 or 236.971.0204 βœ… @emprograffix_epg @brooklyn_tek9 @michael_moore_ent @jahwigs