Jun 05, 2016 03:00 PM - Jun 05, 2016 10:00 PM
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* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
The Sun is setting on the evening of Sunday June 5th 2016. You are inside The Best Event of Summer. You are surrounded by the sexiest, most stylish people of the city. Drinks flowing. The music is superb. You've made a stop at every food station available...including the Creole Dipped Shrimp and the Sweet Appleton Bar-Be-Que Wings. It's a happy atmosphere and the vibez..... *OOOOOO...MMMM* Just Right! Then you realize you are at Sunset. The event with the Fantastic Four: D' Bandit, Private Ryan, Hypa Hoppa and Back to Basics
Sunset - A Premier, Uber Sexy Caribbean Event. This is a FOOD INCLUSIVE EVENT
Celebrating the Birthday of ~ D' Bandit and other Gemini friends
The Regular Experience is the food inclusive experience with access to a patio
VIP Experience is the food inclusive experience and will have access to all areas