REBEL,11 Polson Street,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 40.00 - 50.00 Buy Tickets
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* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Easter Saturday March 26th 2016,
"Pretty Dolly Edition"
at Boss Nightclub
10 Esna Park Drive (Markham, ON)
Featuring two of the top female DJ's from Trinidad & Tobago:
DUCHESS (The Caribbean's #1 Female DJ)
DJ ANA (High Heels & Serato)
alongside Toronto's best in providing musical medicine:
DR. JAY (De Soca Prince)
DJ SHY (Team Soca)
Hosted By:
EMAN (Your Girl's Voice of Choice)
DIRTY DEZ (The Birthday Boy)
This is NOT a track pants fete. This is NOT a j'ouvert.
Limited Advance Tickets $15 & $20
Celebrating something special?
Book a booth and get free treats from The Pop Shop!
(Red Bull not included in Mix)
RAIL Package – $450
2 Bottles of Bar Rail (Vodka, Rum)
5 VIP Tickets
All Tax, Tip, and Mix Included
MIX & MATCH Package – $495
1 Bottle Bar Rail (Vodka, Rum)
1 Bottle Premium (Hennessy, Grey Goose, Ciroc)
5 VIP Tickets
All Tax, Tip, and Mix Included
Premium Package – $540
2 Premium Bottles (Hennessy, Grey Goose, Ciroc)
5 VIP Tickets
All Tax, Tip, and Mix Included
NOTE: To confirm any booth, $100 is required upfront and the remainder to be paid at the club.
Individual Bottle Prices:
Rum / Vodka: $175
Grey Goose, Ciroc, and Hennessy: $220
{Tax and Tip Included}
19+ // ID a must // No overly baggy clothes // No powder