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Protect Your Event.

TicketGateway has integrated event cancellation protection through Event Protect .

Event Protect has developed the industry standard in event cancellation protection for ticketing platforms. In addition to proving global event protection coverage for ticketing platforms, Event Protect works with venues, events, and sports teams to reduce the financial liabilities due to event cancellation.

In the event of a qualifying event cancellation, ticket holders complete a secure online refund form which enables Event Protect to process refunds directly. Event Protect deals with the event organizer and ticket holder on behalf of TicketGateway including managing the claim with the insurance provider and distributing refunds to ticket holders.

TicketGateway is connected to the the Event Protect platform via secure API which enables all transactions to be underwritten by a panel of A-rated insurers in real-time. This allows for the full value of the transaction to be insured, including processing fees, booking fees and taxes.

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What is covered?

Some examples for cancellation include, but are not limited to:

Adverse weather conditions for indoor events

Adverse weather conditions for outdoor events

Cover for transport delays

Key supplier failure

Any major incident deemed a health & safety risk

Mechanical failure or breakdown of key equipment

Unknown works being carried out by builders or contractors at the venue which renders it or its facilities unusable

Cancellation or revocation of Licence or closure of event for health & safety by local authority

Want To Learn More About Event Protect ?

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Ticket Holders Fill In An Online Claims Form

In case of a covered Event Cancellation, ticket holders would simply be required to complete an online claims form which allows us to process refunds directly.

Event Protect Deals With Everything On Behalf Of The Member

Event Protect deals with everything on behalf of our Members including managing the claim with the Insurance Provider and paying the refunds. Event Protect minimises the consequences of an event cancellation to our members and supports them in fulfilment of their legal and financial obligations to the ticket holder.

Fast, Fair & Transparent Refund

Event Protect ensures a fast, fair and transparent refund process for all customers.