How to find your event ID ?

Each event you create on TicketGateway has its own unique ID number that you can use with our API or a third-party widget. To locate your event's ID number, just go to the Manage, Edit, or Design page for your event. The event ID number is located in the URL in the address bar when you are on one of these pages.

For example, the URL "" shows the event ID number, "id=8370".

1. Go to your event's “Manage” or “Edit” page.

After you login to your TicketGateway account, find your event on the “Manage Events” page, then select "Manage" - your event ID is located on both of these pages.

TIP: You can also locate your event's ID number on the “Design” page for your event.

2. Your event ID number is located in the URL in the address bar.

Look to the URL in the address bar when you're on the event's Manage, Edit, or Design page. Your event's ID number is the set of digits at end of the url.